MOCpages : Share your LEGO® creations
Sean's blog
Can I do this? What about that?
OK... a LOT of people have been e-mailing me about "Can I put this on my page?" "Can I do that?" "What if I do this instead?" "Why did you delete my page?"

It's really simple, and I'm not trying to be some kind of evil MOCpolice... I just want to make sure that MOCpages doesn't turn into a sort of digital junkyard full of all kinds of different things. People like MOCpages because it's a place to see cool LEGO creations, and I want to make sure it can stay that way!

Basically, when people visit MOCpages and click on a page, they expect to see a LEGO creation. Anything other than than is bothersome and distracting.

Think about it this way. Imagine you went to YouTube and searched for "LEGO Indiana Jones Video". You see a lot of results, and click on one called "Best Indy Stuff". But instead of seeing a great video, all you get is a slide that says "go look in the comments for links to my favorite videos". That might be a little annoying, but so what. You go back and click on another one. But it's the same thing, by someone else! After you keep clicking on more videos and getting the same kind of stuff, you'll get pretty frustrated. "How can I tell which videos are really videos? Where's the actual STUFF ??"

That's what happens on MOCpages when you create pages that don't showcase your LEGO creations.

So, can you do other things with your pages? Sure!! Sometimes people sell photos of that creation, or sell that creation itself. Sometimes people link to real-life inspiration for that creation. Somtimes you can download LDD files of that creation. Sometimes people link to other people's creations that they used as inspiration for that creation. The subtle difference is that the MEAT of the page is still all about the LEGO creation.

Imagine if you created a page that was "here are my inspirations" and listed all sorts of stuff that you like (cars, favorite car LEGO creations, car movies... etc...) Who cares? No one would be happy clicking on that page because they'd expect to see a creation, but just get a bunch of other stuff. BUT! ... what if ALONGSIDE your LEGO creation you said, "here is my inspiration for THIS creation"? Suddenly it has meaning and relevance and can be interesting to visitors. Visitors can see what you think and what interests you. They can get interested in what you're interested in!

It's a subtle but important difference. I hope it makes sense.

posted by Sean  # Thursday, October 30, 2008
By my ally!
I know it's cool to form alliances and legions and brotherhoods and gangs and groups and clubs and gaggles and stuff... but MOCpages "pages" are for sharing your LEGO creations.

If you want to link to your friends or allies or enemies or pets or noodles or anything else that is not a LEGO creation, why not put it on your home page?

As I've said in the past, MOCpages will soon have new features that will allow you to link up with friends, mark your favorite builders, and other goodies. In the meantime, lots of folks complain about these alliance pages cluttering up the site, so please stop adding "LEGO creations" that aren't LEGO creations.

Thanks for understanding.

posted by Sean  # Thursday, October 30, 2008
Small tweaks to "comments you've made"
Hi everyone... I made some minor tweaks to the Comments you've made page.
  • The page is now sorted reverse-chronologically, so that your most-recent comments are at the top.

  • I banged around at the moving parts. The page now loads a lot faster than it used to!

Enjoy. And let me know if you find any bugs.

posted by Sean  # Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Featured creations
Featured LEGO creations Lately, a lot of you have been e-mailing me with questions or complaints about the daily creation that is featured on the homepage. How is it chosen? Why are creations featured more than once?

The short answer is: the creation is chosen programatically, based on ratings, comments, popularity, and so on.

The longer answer is that the creation was never intented to be a "best of MOCpages" or a "MOC of the day" as most of you call it... it was just something to spice up the homepage so that you wouldn't see the same old boring stuff everyday. And it also was meant to show you something that you might not have ever seen before... maybe from a long time ago.

It used to be chosen completely at random. But people fill my inbox with complaints (and alternate suggestions) when the creation isn't very good. So I added criteria that considers the creation's popularity before randomly choosing it. By selecting creations that have a lot of positive ratings and comments, the creation is likely to be something that everyone visiting MOCpages will like.

So for now, just understand that the home page features a creation that the community, as a whole, really likes... Even if you don't, and even if you've seen it before.

posted by Sean  # Tuesday, October 07, 2008

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